Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I hope all had a wonderful Christmas.  Thanks to all for the wonderful toys donated to the Dayschool.  the children are hard at work playing with them currently while I type this.  I recently uploaded some Christmas videos onto our youtube website.  Let me know if you cannot view some of them. I will be uploading some photos shortly onto our facebook page, and then I will add one or two to our blog.

The children themes for the month of January will be artic animals, winter, and nursery rhymes.  I will be sending home a newsletter on Thursday before I leave for Florida.  Ms Amanda and
Ms Jordyn will both be working on Friday.  Reminder:  THERE WILL BE NO DAYCARE AVAILABLE 1/1 AND 1/2.

If your child does not have all the winter gear at the Dayschool please supply this week.  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD HAS TWO PAIRS OF MITTENS AND TWO PAIRS OF SOCKS DAILY.

Dont forget to sign up for email updates.  If you would also like to receive our newletter via an email please provide your email address.  I will be placing a sign up list on the parent board also this week.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Jayden and the gang playing in a leaf pile Jack made for us!  THANKS JACK!

Our Thanksgiving feast was a blast.  The children did a great job creating a balanced diet; of course they had chicken nuggets, mac & cheese and tator tots!  They also included corn, apple pie, cranberry sauce, corn bread and some grapes!  Plenty of deserts to choose from too!  We had apple pie, brownies, M & M cookies, chocolate chip cookies and some Popsicles. 

Our Turkey wobble danced has been uploaded to YOUTUBE.  I will also try to post it on this blog.  I recorded it twice; not sure which version you might like.

Our themes for December will be hibernation and family traditions.  The children will be making  
Ornaments, writing letters to Santa and of course learning a Holiday dance!

Many more fun videos were added to our YOUTUBE website. Type in millisaf
Reminder, Any questions can me emailed to millisaf@comcast.net

Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Parade

Our Halloween parade/potluck was a huge success again this year!  The Children really enjoy themselves, or should I say "being someone else".  A big thank you to all the food donations and for taking the time out of your busy day to join us. 

I posted my photos on the Over the Rainbow Dayschool page.  Anyone else who took pictures, please tag us so parents can view them.  I didnt get many photos because it is hard to take pictures and socialize.  I also posted our parade on utube.  I will try to upload it here but it usually fails... not sure why. 

November Newsletter will go home on Monday.  Our themes for this month include; native americans, families, and friends.

Please remember to send in warmer clothes next week.
  • two pairs of mittens
  • hat
  • boots
  • extra socks

Halloween Parade

Our Halloween parade/potluck was a huge success again this year!  The Children really enjoy themselves, or should I say "being someone else".  A big thank you to all the food donations and for taking the time out of your busy day to join us. 

I posted my photos on the Over the Rainbow Dayschool page.  Anyone else who took pictures, please tag us so parents can view them.  I didn't get many photos because it is hard to take pictures and socialize.  I also posted our parade on Utube.  I will try to upload it here but it usually fails... not sure why. 

November Newsletter will go home on Monday.  Our themes for this month include; native Americans, families, and friends.

Please remember to send in warmer clothes next week.
  • two pairs of mittens
  • hat
  • boots
  • extra socks

Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Fall

Fall has gotten off to a great start.  We have begun are weekly nature walks which the children have been really enjoying.  During our first week, we collected fall items and made a collage.(optional)  This week was our second walk and the children really seemed to notice all the changes happening around them.  We used duck tape to make bracelets and the children had fun sticking the fall items to their bracelets.

We have also been learning about Fire safety.  We practiced stop drop and roll and how to respond in the event they here a fire alarm at home.  Please review this information with your child and if you do not have an outside meeting place now is the time to make one.  Favorite songs this week were the busy fireman song and the wheels on the fire truck.  I have placed a call with the fire chief so we can visit the fire station but I still haven't heard back on the date or time.

Our Halloween party/parade will be Oct.26th this year at 4:00 sharp. The rain date will be the 27th.  Sign up for our pot luck dinner will be posted inside on the parent wall.  Please have your child's Halloween costume here the day before and label ALL pieces. ( Don't forget a candy bag. )  I will be sending home a newsletter next week with all this information and more.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

All About Me!

Our first week of school was great! We learned about the things that make us different and special from everyone else and we also compared things that were the same.
We began our life size projects of ourselves. Ms Melissa traced us on butcher paper. We painted our clothes. Next week we will label our body parts and finish our master pieces of ourselves. We worked on spelling and writing our names.(some cob-webs over the summer).
We also made an All about me book with Ms Jordyn. We finger painted and played with blue water in the sensory table. We had fun giving"babies" baths and taking care of them. We took turns making "breakfast" and making coffee for Ms. Melissa. In block area we made schools with the blocks and loaded up the school buses to bring them to school.
We had lots of fun in music time dancing to the "hokey pokey" and"loopty-loo". We used stickers and smiley bracelets to help us remember our right from our left. We began learning the song "hands on my head" to learn all our body parts. We are also learning "where is thumpkin" and "Tommy thumb". To help us learn the names of our fingers. If you would like the lyrics to any of these songs just let Ms. Melissa know.
SAVE THE DATE We will be going Apple picking to Cider Hill Wednesday September 21st from 9:00-11:00. Field trip permission slip will be hanging on the parent board. The cost of the trip will be $5.00.

Still trying to get to the children's museum and really want to make it to Charmingfare farm again for the pumpkin fall fest. Anyone willing to chaperone will get a free day of daycare.
(If your child is 4, dont forget to do the monthly HW calendar daily. A lot of the assignments have to do we activities going on in the classroom so if the HW isnt done they have a hard time participating in the activities.)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Subscribe to Announcements and Updates

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You can now subscribe to our blog via e-mail. We would like all parents to subscribe so parents are alerted each time a post is shared. By doing this we ensure everyone is kept up to date and in the loop regarding important announcements.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I just uploaded some videos of our talent show. I hope you enjoy them all. (you can see them all by visiting our Youtube Page)!! Some I will have to retake, the videos wouldn't upload.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer Fun!

Thank you everyone for a wonderful summer. We have had lots of fun on the many field trips this summer! Unfortunately, the camera got left outside and many photos were ruined. We have 3 field trips left for the remaining of the summer. We have two beach trips left, the children's museum, mosely park, and playground trips.

Our end of the summer "CARNIVAL PARTY" will be on August 29th. All children are invited to attend on this day, even if they are not scheduled to attend. We will be playing carnival games that the children helped make out of recycled materials! They will earn tickets to pick prizes and candy. Any donations are greatly appreciated. They also have been working on a talent show. We have encouraged the children to decide what they will do for a special talent! All our wonderful talents will be uploaded to our youtube page.

Please remember to supply us with your child's fall schedule so we know when to put them on and off the bus.

Also, we currently have two openings for the fall. If you know anyone looking for care please let them know.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Our YouTube Channel

You may find our YouTube Channel at this link. In the future, you may also access it on the right side of the page under "Links".

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Summer is fast approaching! I have been busy planning our field trips so I haven't added many blogs recently and I apologise! I also left my camera outside in all that wet weather and unfortunately, most of this past months pictures have been ruined.
The children have been busy learning about animal babies and their names. We learned and Sang Rock a bye baby and played a rocking game. You can see it on our youtube page. If you type in millisf videos or under Ovet the Rainbow Dayschool you will find all our uploads. I finally learned how to upload so many more will soon be added!! Again, if I do not have your email or we are not facebook friends please give me your email or friend me on face book please provide so I can send you direct links to this post and our videos when they are uploaded.
We will be tie-dying next Wednesday so please send you child to school in an outfit that can be ruined. Tie-dying can be messy. I will supply the tee-shirts. We will be using these shirts for our field trips. Your child will need to wear this shirt for every trip. No worries, if I have extras if it is forgotten one day.
If you haven't already, field trip money is due and parent signature for the first 3 field trips.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Baby Animals

We have had fun learning about all different baby animals and their unique animals. We have done many fun crafts and activities! Here are just a few!

We made neat fish snack holders and put gold fish crackers inside to learn that some mommy fish keep their babies safe in their mouths! Another favorite activity was we each made a monkey and we carried them on our backs and stomachs!! We pretended that they were our babies. We enjoyed dancing with our baby monkeys a lot. A favorite activity that we played was we each took turns being the mommy holding our babies in our mouth or pouch(pretend). They were actually puzzle pieces. When our friends hid their eyes we hid the pieces around the room. Everyone found one puzzle piece and we worked together to put the puzzle together. We learned team work success!!

Asked me what a Baby Kangaroo is called.

Make sure you remember to pass in summer registrations and save your field trip calendar!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Birds and Eggs

This week we learned the names of some birds and what they looked liked. We also got to touch some real nest! We took a field trip to PET CITY to view some real birds up close. While on our visit we got to pat a baby bunny!! We also got to see the many other animals and creatures there. We took a video of our BIRD FEAT BEAT dance and our this little birdie song. Some children were not here that day and we apologize for that. Reminder: Next Thursday is our Easter Egg hunt and Party. The Toddlers and 3's will have their hunt in the morning before nap. The 4's and up will have their hunt after nap time when the school kids get back. Please do not pick your child up before 4:00pm. Snack list will be posted on parent board. Thanks to all who have donated prizes for our event. VIDEO UPLOAD DOES NOT WORK. this video was put on utube: THIS LITTLE BIRDIE/BIRD FEAT. millisaf video .

Birds and Eggs

We had lots of fun learning the names of some birds this week and what they look like. We looked at some real birds nests too! We had a lot of fun at Pet City this week looking at real birds up close. We also looked at some hamsters, ginea pigs, fish and reptiles. We got to pat a cute little baby bunny!

We finally took a video of our Bird Feat Beat dance! Some children were not here on that day and we do apologize for that

Friday, April 1, 2011

Birds and Eggs / April

Finally april but still snow! We have been keeping busy with our Birds and eggs theme. the children really seem to love learning about birds and how they grow. We have learned all the parts of a bird. We learned a song to help us to head shoulders knees and toes but instead put in head,beak, wings and feet. We also dance around to a silly song called shake your tail feathers! The children really love shaking their booty to this one.

we have also made some neat projects. We have made bird beaks, feet and wings. We have colored eggs and made birds with our handprints and shadows!

We are currently learning a dance called the "The bird feet beat". Hopefully I will be able to video and learn how to upload this onto our blog.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Finally our computer fixed so I will be able to once again keep you informed.

the children have been having a lot of fun with our new theme. currently, they have learned about different types of nest,eggs, hatchlings, and the different types of food birds eat. They have also learned some common area birds like, red breasted Robin, cardinal, blue jay, blue bird and chickadee and living on the seacoast, SEAGULLS.

Some fun projects have been:

  • painting with rubber worms

  • building a nest

  • egg rubbings

Fun activities have been:

  • Wiggling worms

  • flying like a flock of bird

  • bird feet beat

  • Head,beak, wings and feet

We also celebrated DR.Suess's birthday by having green eggs and ham and doing a fun foot project.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Its been a while! I had lost my camera and I finally found it... it was where it was suppose to be!

The children have been busy learning about different jobs. We have been learning about the tools they use as well as how they dress. We had fun this week learning about construction workers, engineers, police officers and bus drivers. We had a police parade with our police hats and horses, played johnny hammers with five hammers, danced like snowflakes, and played a Fun bus game learning about the colors of the traffic light. We finger painted, made buses, and colored a book about jobs. We turned our post office into a doctors office and Vet.

Next week we will discover the jobs garbage collector and plumber.