Information for Parents

Contract for Care 

State Forms:
Child Care Registration  
Medication Authorization
Transportation Authorization
Health Assessment Form
Electronic Monitoring Authorization

Additional Forms:
Permission to Photograph

Note: This is a brief overview. For full information, please ask for a copy of the Parent Handbook.

General Guidelines for Parents
  • Remember to pick your child up PROMPTLY at 5:00. If you are late you will be charged late fees, as outlined in tuition rate information.
  • Sign your child in and our each day in the attendance book (located inside the door behind the tuition box). Early morning and late afternoon you will find this book with a teacher. 
  • Check your child's backpack daily for notices and communications as well as laundry items. 
  • Keep your phone numbers and contact list up to date with us.
  • Send in copies of your child's physicals as often as you receive them (yearly for older children) including immunizations.
  • Make sure your child has a complete change of clothes or you may be called to bring some to day school.
  • Make sure you supply your child with a balanced lunch containing all four food groups.
  • Call us and let us know when your child will not be in attendance.
  • Let me know if any concerns arise. I am not perfect and I am always open to questions and/or ideas!
  • If you ever need extended care or help in any way please don't hesitate to ask. I will gladly help you or your child in any way that I can.
Supplies Needed: 
  • All children are required to have a backpack with an extra change of clothes inside. Parents with children under 5 are encouraged to leave an additional labeled change of clothes with us, we will keep this outfit in the bathroom.
  • All children still in diapers need to supply diapers and wipes. Potty training children will still need wipes and flushable wipes.
  • Children 6 weeks-2 years need to supply all food, formula, and milk necessary for the child.
  • The children in our preschool program will have a folder placed in their bag for classwork, projects, and a communication book. Please try to remember to keep this folder in their bag and check it daily.Occasionally there will be notes requesting a food item, show and tell item, etc.. you are not obligated to supply these items, just let us know that you do not wish to be included.
  • All children need to bring a sheet and a blanket for nap time and it needs to be washed weekly or bi-weekly depending on your child's schedule.
  • Sunscreen and insect repellent needs to be provided for all children. All bottles need to come labeled with the child's full name. A consent form must also be filled out for each child. Please see the handbook for additional information regarding sunscreen and insect repellent.
  • During the fall and spring it is also beneficial to have a pair of mud boots for children 6 and under. Our play yard can get muddy, and children without a pair of boots will be required to stay on the paved or sandy areas of the yard.
  • During the winter months each child needs a pair of boots, snow pants, 2 pairs of mittens or gloves, and a warm hat. These items also need to be taken home weekly and washed. You may also supply a sled for your child but they will also need a helmet for this activity (state law). 
You will be called to supply any items forgotten that are mandatory/needed.

  • Snack and Lunch: Morning snack, afternoon snack, juice and milk are provided. Picky eaters may choose and item out of their lunch box instead of what we are having. For lunch, you are required to supply your child with a healthy meal, all 4 food groups need to be supplied in accordance with state law.
  •  Sign In/Out: State law requires that parents must sign their own child in and out of day care. The binder is kept by the front door behind the tuition payment box. Sign your child in/out every day, and at the end of each week sign the signature column as further acknowledgment of the times your child was present with us.
  • Drop Off and Pick Up:  Transition times can be stressful for children; they may not want to say goodbye in the morning, and may not want to leave in the afternoon when involved in a fun activity. To ease the situation we encourage brief goodbyes and offering positive statements. If your child misbehaves during transition times please correct their behavior. If you would like us to have your child ready and waiting at the pick-up time we will gladly do so, just let us know.
  • If a Teacher or Teacher's Child Becomes Ill:  We do our best to prevent the spread of illness through good hygiene and housekeeping, but total avoidance of illness is impossible. We have alternate assistance providers when doctor appointments or illnesses occur. If substitute provider's are not available we do have to cancel daycare. We will call you if this ever occurs. If you would like to be a substitute let us know, you will be paid and given a free day of child care. A criminal release form and physical form are required for all providers, volunteers, and substitutes. See the handbook for additional information about this policy.
  • If a Child Becomes Ill: Although we are not trained medical professionals, we have been educated in the recognition of infectious childhood diseases and will attempt to alert you at the first sign of any illness. State law requires that we call parent's to pick up their children within one hour if he/she exhibits certain symptoms, please see the handbook for a list. If your child is sent home they cannot return until they have been symptom free for a full 24 hours or until accompanied by a signed doctor's note. This is state law and is intended to help prevent wide spread viruses and infection. State law also mandates that your child may not attend Over the Rainbow if they are too sick to go to public school, dismissed from public school due to illness, or if they need constant attention due to illness or injury/are to ill to participate in planned activities.
  • Administration of Medicines: As I am not a licensed medical professional, I will not administer any type of medication, including prescription and OTC medications, without a signed consent form. This form can be filled out when you drop off your child. For specific information needed, please see the handbook. 
  • When Accidents Happen: We try to keep all children free from harm but unfortunately that is not always possible. If your child receives a minor cut or scrape at day school that does not require a hospital visit, then we will not call you at work to report the injury. We will present you with an accident report form which will explain the type of injury and how your child obtained it. Any injury that may warrant a doctor's visit will require us to call you at work to pick-up your child for you to assess them personally. All teachers are both first-aid and CPR certified; if your child receives an injury we feel is life threatening or is in need of immediate attention we will call 911 and request care for your child before you are called. In the event that a parent cannot be contacted we will take responsibility and sign the appropriate papers until a proper guardian can be found.
  • Discipline: We do not use any form of yelling, name calling, or physical force. Our initial discipline is not discipline, but positive reinforcement using praise and reward systems. We strive for children to behave because they want to behave, not because they have to. When we do need to discipline we use methods that we feel not only stop the offending behavior, but also teaches the child consequences, responsibility, and empathy in a positive manner. Each child will always feel loved regardless of their behavior. If a child is a physical or emotional threat to others, by state law they can be dismissed. Please see the handbook for additional information about our discipline policy.
  • Visits and Phone Calls: Parents or guardians are welcome to drop by at anytime, however children often do not really benefit from these visits (often they cry upon parting, etc.) Since we are busy attending to the children's needs we usually do not answer the phone between 8am-1pm and 3pm-5pm. However, we listen to the answering machine every hour and will call you during quiet time if requested; sooner if necessary. If there is an emergency, please keep calling and we will answer the phone. Please try to limit visits/calls to your child, as they can disrupt your child's routine and lead to increased stress your everyone involved, including your child.
  • Quiet Time and Nap Time:  This period is mandated by state law. As outlined in the schedule, it is from 1:00-2:30. Your child will be provided with a bedding bag; you supply the linens and they will need to be taken home and washed weekly. If you child does not fall asleep after 30 minutes, they are allowed to do quiet activities in the fish bowl room for the remainder of the time.
  • Toys from home: We ask that no toys be brought to the day care from home except for on Fridays. We are not responsible for lost, traded, or stolen toys. For a list of exceptions please refer to the handbook.
  • Liability for our toys and equipment: We except your child to be respectful of our property. If your child intentionally damages our property through destructive behavior you will be liable for 100% of the replacement costs, due with your next weekly tuition payment.
  • Bike Riding: It is necessary for all children to have a bike helmet and sneakers. Please put your child's name on the helmet and leave it at the day school. If you do not supply a helmet, we will need to purchase one for your child and attach the fee to your next tuition payment. Orange cones are placed in the driveway to stop anyone from driving in while children are enjoying this time.
  • Children in Diapers and Potty Training: Please inform us when you would like to begin training; the method must be consistent with that used at home and at day school. Please see the handbook for our suggestions and more information regarding this.
  • Holidays and Holiday Celebrations: Please feel free to bring a special treat to share with all of the children on your child's birthday. You may also supply party decorations, etc if you wish. Children are not expected to bring gifts for friends, but it is allowed. As for other festivities, we will give you at least a week's notice prior to any celebration. We post a party supply list with items to bring and share for celebrations if your child would like to bring items in. Ms. Melissa has a Christian background and values, however we teach children about other cultural and religious celebrations as well. If you do come from a different cultural or religious background and would like us to celebrate please do not hesitate to ask. Also, if you do not believe in celebrating any holidays, please fill us in our your beliefs and we will try to be as respectful as possible.
  • Field Trips: We plan field trips throughout the year; children love trips and they are an important learning tool also. If you are available to chaperone, please let us know. We are offering one free day of child care to volunteers. Chaperones must provide: a copy of your car insurance policy, a copy of your driving license, a car clean of clutter and working seat belts.
  • Pick-up by Someone other than the child's parent/legal guardian:  In accordance with state law, we will not release your child into the custody of anyone other than his or her parent or legal guardian. If you wish to have anyone else pick up your child these names need to be provided on the signed consent form in advance. We will also need a written consent or phone call concerning a pick-up from anyone that does not regularly pick-up your child. Legal photo ID will be required as proof of identification for unfamiliar faces. Anyone picking up the child must have an appropriate car seat in their vehicle. If there is a legal situation that affects who is allowed to pick-up your child, let us know immediately and provide all court orders/legal documents regarding who is allowed to pick-up your child.
  •  Probation or Suspension of Care: Our school, and you as a parent, may terminate services whenever either party chooses. We have a two week notice policy regarding such a decision. We have never had a parent terminate services because of discontentment. It is extremely rare that Over the Rainbow will terminate services of a child. Please see the handbook for the only reasons termination or suspension may occur for.
  • Accident Reports/Child Abuse and Neglect:  We are required by law to report any form of physical, sexual or emotional abuse of any child in our care. You may get notes about your child having bruises or scrapes without needing to fear that you are suspected of abusing  your child. Kids will be kids; the notes we send home are to alert you of any injuries noticed, and also to protect ourselves from mistaken accusations or undocumented injuries occurring at the day school. Accident reports go home when injuries do occur here.