Tuition Rates + Hours

Our services are available Monday through Friday from 7:00 am- 5:00 pm. Please discuss needs for care outside of these times and we will try to accommodate reasonable requests at a possible additional fee.

Prices are subject to change. 

FULL TIME CARE: 5 Days Per Week

Age GroupFull-time care (5 days)
Ages 6 weeks- 18 months$210
Ages 18-35 months$195
Ages 3 until potty trained$185
fully potty trained -6 years$165
Age 7$110
*6 year old rate will change to after school rate when they enter first grade

HALF DAY: 7:00am-12:00pm or 12:00pm-5:00pm
Ages 6 weeks- 18 months$120                            
Ages 18-35 months$110
Ages 3 until potty trained$100
fully potty trained -6 years$90
Age 7$65


PART-TIME CARE: 3 Days Per Week
Ages 6 weeks- 18 months$155                           
Ages 18-35 months$135
Ages 3 until potty trained$125
fully potty trained -6 years$115
Age 7$90

PART-TIME CARE: 2 Days Per Week
Ages 6 weeks- 18 months$110                          
Ages 18-35 months$98
Ages 3 until potty trained$90
fully potty trained -6 years$80
Age 7$65

PART-TIME CARE: Half Day Part-Time Care, 3 half days
Ages 6 weeks- 18 months$100                         
Ages 18-35 months$92
Ages 3 until potty trained$85
fully potty trained -6 years$80

AFTER SCHOOL RATES: (Children attending public school and only attend 3-5pm daily)
3 days $33               
5 days$55
Vacation weeks$140
No School/ Snow Day $30 added on to weekly tuition
1/2 day of school$12 added on to weekly tuition

When you are early/late (before 7 am and after 5pm) we miss out on our own family time and activities.
  • A $5.00 fee will be charged for every fifteen minutes before or after the scheduled daycare hours (only if planned).
  • If unscheduled/without a phone call, a minimum of a $10.00 fee will be charged for every fifteen minutes before or after the scheduled daycare hours.
  • A yearly registration fee of $30 will be expected in May for the summer and next school year.
  • Tuition is due the Friday or Monday before the next week of care.
  • If you prefer, you may pay once a month or biweekly. This also needs to be paid before the services. Ex. September services would be due the last Friday in August.
  • In order to provide our own families with a stable financial situation, we need to be paid on time or a $10 late charge will be applied per day.
  • You are allowed 3 sick days per calendar year as long as we are called before 8:00 am.
  • Teachers are allowed 2 weeks of vacation per year. NO TUITION IS EXPECTED if we do not have day care for your child for the week. You will be given at least a month of notice if you will need to find alternate care.
  • Please refer to the holiday list for our closures. We do not expect payment for these days.
  • The day care rates are based on a weekly rate. Although we realize day care is a major expense for most working parents, we also rely on this business to help support our own families. Since we will be holding your child's space for you to use at will, we need to charge for full-time care whether you use it or not after the allotted 3 sick days.
  • We require payments for your vacations.
  • If there is an emergency and day care is cancelled, no payment will be expected. Please make sure you have back up care.
Holiday Closures:
-Labor Day
-Columbus Day
-Thanksgiving, and the day after
-New Years Day
-President's Day
-Memorial Day
-4th of July/Independence Day
***On Christmas Eve and New Years Eve we are open, however we close early at 2:00 p.m.