Friday, June 17, 2011

Our YouTube Channel

You may find our YouTube Channel at this link. In the future, you may also access it on the right side of the page under "Links".

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Summer is fast approaching! I have been busy planning our field trips so I haven't added many blogs recently and I apologise! I also left my camera outside in all that wet weather and unfortunately, most of this past months pictures have been ruined.
The children have been busy learning about animal babies and their names. We learned and Sang Rock a bye baby and played a rocking game. You can see it on our youtube page. If you type in millisf videos or under Ovet the Rainbow Dayschool you will find all our uploads. I finally learned how to upload so many more will soon be added!! Again, if I do not have your email or we are not facebook friends please give me your email or friend me on face book please provide so I can send you direct links to this post and our videos when they are uploaded.
We will be tie-dying next Wednesday so please send you child to school in an outfit that can be ruined. Tie-dying can be messy. I will supply the tee-shirts. We will be using these shirts for our field trips. Your child will need to wear this shirt for every trip. No worries, if I have extras if it is forgotten one day.
If you haven't already, field trip money is due and parent signature for the first 3 field trips.