Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I just uploaded some videos of our talent show. I hope you enjoy them all. (you can see them all by visiting our Youtube Page)!! Some I will have to retake, the videos wouldn't upload.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer Fun!

Thank you everyone for a wonderful summer. We have had lots of fun on the many field trips this summer! Unfortunately, the camera got left outside and many photos were ruined. We have 3 field trips left for the remaining of the summer. We have two beach trips left, the children's museum, mosely park, and playground trips.

Our end of the summer "CARNIVAL PARTY" will be on August 29th. All children are invited to attend on this day, even if they are not scheduled to attend. We will be playing carnival games that the children helped make out of recycled materials! They will earn tickets to pick prizes and candy. Any donations are greatly appreciated. They also have been working on a talent show. We have encouraged the children to decide what they will do for a special talent! All our wonderful talents will be uploaded to our youtube page.

Please remember to supply us with your child's fall schedule so we know when to put them on and off the bus.

Also, we currently have two openings for the fall. If you know anyone looking for care please let them know.