Sunday, September 11, 2011

All About Me!

Our first week of school was great! We learned about the things that make us different and special from everyone else and we also compared things that were the same.
We began our life size projects of ourselves. Ms Melissa traced us on butcher paper. We painted our clothes. Next week we will label our body parts and finish our master pieces of ourselves. We worked on spelling and writing our names.(some cob-webs over the summer).
We also made an All about me book with Ms Jordyn. We finger painted and played with blue water in the sensory table. We had fun giving"babies" baths and taking care of them. We took turns making "breakfast" and making coffee for Ms. Melissa. In block area we made schools with the blocks and loaded up the school buses to bring them to school.
We had lots of fun in music time dancing to the "hokey pokey" and"loopty-loo". We used stickers and smiley bracelets to help us remember our right from our left. We began learning the song "hands on my head" to learn all our body parts. We are also learning "where is thumpkin" and "Tommy thumb". To help us learn the names of our fingers. If you would like the lyrics to any of these songs just let Ms. Melissa know.
SAVE THE DATE We will be going Apple picking to Cider Hill Wednesday September 21st from 9:00-11:00. Field trip permission slip will be hanging on the parent board. The cost of the trip will be $5.00.

Still trying to get to the children's museum and really want to make it to Charmingfare farm again for the pumpkin fall fest. Anyone willing to chaperone will get a free day of daycare.
(If your child is 4, dont forget to do the monthly HW calendar daily. A lot of the assignments have to do we activities going on in the classroom so if the HW isnt done they have a hard time participating in the activities.)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

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