Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I hope all had a wonderful Christmas.  Thanks to all for the wonderful toys donated to the Dayschool.  the children are hard at work playing with them currently while I type this.  I recently uploaded some Christmas videos onto our youtube website.  Let me know if you cannot view some of them. I will be uploading some photos shortly onto our facebook page, and then I will add one or two to our blog.

The children themes for the month of January will be artic animals, winter, and nursery rhymes.  I will be sending home a newsletter on Thursday before I leave for Florida.  Ms Amanda and
Ms Jordyn will both be working on Friday.  Reminder:  THERE WILL BE NO DAYCARE AVAILABLE 1/1 AND 1/2.

If your child does not have all the winter gear at the Dayschool please supply this week.  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD HAS TWO PAIRS OF MITTENS AND TWO PAIRS OF SOCKS DAILY.

Dont forget to sign up for email updates.  If you would also like to receive our newletter via an email please provide your email address.  I will be placing a sign up list on the parent board also this week.