Happy new year to all! I hope all had a wonderful holiday. Now that the holidays are over we will be getting back into our curriculum.
With our homework calendar not doing so well, I decided to send home a family homework assignment this month once a week. I will also be sending home the monthly book list. Again, please fill the books you read with your child throughout the month and how many times you read it. At the end of the month, all children who return this sheet will get a special treat. I decided at the end of this month, the children who do their homework and book list will get a trip to McDonald's or pizza hut! I know we all have busy lives, but 5 minutes before bed is all it takes to give your child a head start. Studies have shone that children who are read to are successful in school.
The letters of the month are Ii and Gg and a review of Ss. The numbers will be 4, 5, 14, and 15. Your child may bring in any objects for show and tell that correspond with these. No random toys may be shone at show and tell. The only exception is the toddlers. They may bring in items of a certain color.
Hopefully within the next week or two, we will be getting some snow. Please make sure your child has all the appropriate gear. We will still go outside daily, even if only for a few minutes. We will be sledding daily when available. Please make sure your child's hat fits under his/her helmet so they can go sledding. A lot of children have outgrown their helmets. Please check your child's helmet and supply a thin hat to wear under the helmet. Also insulated mittens work best in keeping the fingers warm in the snow; if the mittens are big enough they can also wear a thin pair of gloves under to help keep their hands warm. Snow pants need to fit tight over their boots or the snow gets inside their boots and causes cold legs and toes.
recycle items needed:
odd socks
large boxes
empty spice jars