Monday, July 22, 2013

Field trips this week

It looks like our field trips for tomorrow will need to be canceled, do to the scheduled weather.  Thursday trip should go on as planned.   Please make sureto sign permission form or initial and date each trip.  Also please make sure to check the field trip link on the right for items needed.

Monday, July 15, 2013

This weeks trips

We will be having field trips again this week on Tuesday and Thursday.  Please be aware that thursdays departure time will be 9:00am.  

Reading camp kids:  please let me know if you would prefer for your child to go to school on Thursday and I will provide a teacher to be here at 12:00.

Please click on field trip link to view trips and any cost.  

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Field trip today is on

I have decided to go ahead with our field trip today . We will be leaving at 9:00 and returning after lunch. Thunderstorms are forecasted for this afternoon. Please sign and date orange permission form.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Field trips for next week are posted in the field trips link on the right hand side of this page.
Some things to note:
Tie die shirts must be worn on all field trips so if your child wears their shirt home please put on your child the day of the trip

  1. Liquid planet still has not confirmed a new date for us
  2. All trips for the month of July will be on Tuesday and Thursday
  3. Please let us know if you do not want your child to attend our water trips on Thursdays and we will arrange for a teacher to remain back at the Dayschool
  4. Every Thursday we will be doing a swimming trip to a state park throughout the summer(except week of August 12,ms. Melissa's vaca)
  5. Please sign field trip permission forms and go over the items needed for each trip
  6. If your child does not attend on a particular day, you are welcome to join us!
  7. The oldest children after this week will have the option to go to the beach from 12:30-4:30 with Ms. Melissa and Michaela every Tuesday.  Ice cream truck visit will be an option
  8. Youngest group will attend a playground/park every Tuesday morning