Monday, September 2, 2013

In the Orchard

Our official school year begins tomorrow!! Our main theme for the next 2 months will be IN THE ORCHARD.   We will begin by learning the parts of a tree and apples of course!! We will be going apple picking at the end of the month!!

We will also be incorporating smaller themes. This months smaller them will be friends and feelings. We usually work in this theme throughout the year. Preschoolers need to learn about their own feelings and emotions before they can feel empathy for other people.

Our parent-teacher communication books will again start going home daily. Please remember to review this book to find out about your child's day.  There is also a space where you can write notes to us.  

Breakfast will now be served at 8:00am-8:30am. Children going to school will be offered lunch at 10:30.

We will offer a light snack, usually fruit also at 10:30 this year.( for children not attending school. )


Excited for a new school year!! 

ms Melissa