Tuesday, June 19, 2012


We had a great end of the year Party and graduation.  The children did a great job on their graduation hats.  This party was bitter/sweet this year because we had to say goodbye to two great friends; Clodagh and Jayden.  They had been in my care for a few years and we had all formed strong bonds.  I and the rest of the gang will miss them greatly.  Although they both took a piece of my heart when they left, it is this piece that will bond us forever~~!!  I know they both have great adventures ahead of them.  Good Luck Clodagh and Jayden.  They have both been invited to attend field trips with us this summer.  I hope they will be able to come.

Our summer camp theme is Meet me at the Circus!  We will be learning about circus acts and we will have our own circus at the end of the summer.  The learning never stops at O.T.R.B.  We still incorporate learning into our daily schedule.  The only difference is that we are reviewing through the summer to keep skills strong for new learning in the fall.  After assessments, some children do get some extra work if I feel they are fuzzy in a particular skill or subject.

Field trips got underway this week.  We had a great time! All the children had on their best behavior.  They all shared and took turns with the playground equipment, which is not always an easy task so they should be commended.

Remember to check the link page for field trip info.